Thursday 30 January 2014

Unit 6 Assignment 1 Amendments


The props used in this image are dangerous and the characters use them to inflict damage on each other, proving that the genre is action.We see that the setting is in the streets which is stereotypical for a superhero fiction as most superheros tend to do most of their crime fighting on the street i.e. Batman, Spiderman as it feels like the best setting to add suspense and drama to the scenes. The use of smoke, as we see in the image, adds elements of danger to the setting because it lowers visibility and it makes it harder for Arrow to fight the villains, resulting in more exiting and interesting battles which will keep people watching. The costumes used are very stereotypical to comic book costumes but they also have modern, up to date elements about them which are very appealing to both the male and female audience because they look good on the characters and they're not cheesy and they dont look silly. This is because they want to take the show seriously and not see it as a silly TV version of the comics. Genre is important to the audience as they need to find out if the product is something of interest to them and whether they should begin to watch it which is what the genre will tell you i.e. if theres a show about rom com and you only like watching horror, if these genres weren't there to inform you of the format of the show, we wouldn't be able to work out what we do and dont want o watch. Arrow challenges the conventions of a superhero fiction more than it conforms to them which is a good thing in my opinion because they have done it to make the tone of the show more serious and dramatic, in turn keeping people interested in it and expanding their audience. I feel that the representations of the characters send people positive messages about them. This is because of the way the act, look, and feel (mentally) i.e. people will aspire to be Arrow because hes cool and his life incredibly exiting. They also send these messages about the villains. Aside from the fact that they're evil they also look really appealing and 'cool' so the audience which is why the viewers also really like them. This product does have a lot of differences to your typical superhero fiction but the way they've changed it is very affective in drawing in different types of audience.


I think the group of people who are interested in this sort of product would be explorers as they are always looking for new ideas, and they enjoy adventure which Arrow is full of i.e. theres always a new villain for the team to face and they are all an interesting and new version of the comic style villain which i find interesting and exiting. Also explorers would like the fact that Oli always gets flashbacks to when he was on the island so that we get to see the struggle he went through and we also get to watch his transformation into what he is now. I would say the age range of viewers for this would be from 13 to about 35. This is because the young section of the audience will enjoy seeing their favourite superheros on TV and the older part of the audience will enjoy the violence and the fact that there are a number of attractive actress's throughout the show who occasionally loose items of their clothing. I think there would be a female section of the audience as well because there are a lot of actors that women would find attractive and they also loose items of clothing throughout, this is a sneaky but effective way of broadening your audience. Overall i think the majority of the audience is male due to the action, superheros, and women.


An example of the non-linear structure of the narrative would be when Oliver hears about the 'Mirakuru' (miracle) formula is being used to create an army, he thinks back to when he was on the island and Slade Wilson was injected with it. It was a traumatising event for him which is why he has to stop it from happening again. using the flashbacks is also a good way of keeping things hidden and showing the audience different parts of the story. It means that we have to piece together the situations as we watch which keeps people entertained and pulls them in to keep watching. An example of this is with the costumes, in the second series we find out why Oli has the hood due to the flashbacks, and because it left it until so late to shoe that meant people would have to keep watching the whole thing before finding it out, which creates more views for the producers and expanding their audience. Also were given lots of clues in the first and second series that Slade Wilson, Oli's friend from the island, will become Deathstroke i.e. Slade's mask is shown from when he was in the marines which is the same as Deathstroke's mask, and his costume is very similar to the one deathstroke wears in series 2.

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