Friday 7 February 2014

Unit 6 Assignment 2

This review was very helpful as it goes into a lot of detail about the game and its content. It has been given 5 stars which tells us it is very successful and popular amongst its audience. This website goes into a lot of detail about the gameplay and the aesthetics of the gameplay and speaks very positively about it. This is very good for marketing and promoting the game, showing that reviews can be very helpful and profitable for the game producers.

Reviews off IGN Are Useful because the give the review that their gamers have given it (10/10) and a general overall public review, it also gives you the option to give your own review which will add onto their public total. IGN is an established Website thats been around for years and is known for being reliable. Although IGN havent left any words about the game they have a comment section below full of comments and the publics' thoughts and opinions on the game.

The good thing about Gamespot is that again it has a rating (9). And it points out positive features about the game and things and things that the public talk about the most, but it also points out the bad things, theres more good than bad, which is what you'd expect but at least its honest.

The Telegraph is an established paper/website and is probably reliable, how ever it doesnt really give much away, it has a rating but it doesn't have any words about the game and doesn't have any user comments... Just a star rating and a picture from the game.

The Age bracket is 18+, how ever allot of people play it from a younger age of around 13 and over.  The Pegi Website says "The content of this game is suitable for persons aged 18 years and over only. It contains: Extreme violence - Multiple, motiveless killing - Violence towards defenceless people - Strong language". The Main gender for the game is Male. Females are known to play it, But mainly male The Average ratio is 80:20 which is understandable, Men usually play more violent and action games because thats just what men commonly go for. Its scenes in the game like this that probably make it abit less appealing to women where Trevor (Main character) interrogates and tortures a man using car jump cables. 


On the scale,  the GTA V gamer would sit between the labourers/working class and the unemployed for the people who play it, as these groups will consist more of younger people. However, the people who buy these young people the game would be situated in the higher rankings of the scale i.e. parents with a high level of skill within their occupation receiving a wealthy income, therefore are able to buy their children these games.

GTA is a mainstream game. its very typical, driving and shooting kind of game, its just the way its presented that makes it get the reaction it does, Mainstreamers like this because they hear on reviews that its 10/10 and quoted as "Awesome" and they like that, therefore they just go with it. Also you could argue that its for Succeeders aswel, Seek control and strong opinions, GTA has allot of opinions aimed at it and a big majority of them are amazing. Thats why succeeders also appeal towards the game. Overall the game is Mainstream, its a widely popular played game owned by most teens. In honest there arent many games like GTA, of course there's driving and shooting games but theres things in GTA that make it Unique, like free roaming and all the different options you have throughout the game. The Game is quite open to everyone, its on Xbox, Playstation and its even available on PC. If Grand Theft Auto V were a theatrically-released movie instead of a video game, enough people would have bought tickets to earn only $227.4 million at the global box office. GTA V was released back in September, which was actually four months later than the original date given by the developers. However, that didn’t affect the sales of the game. Just within 24 hours of the release of the title, Take Two Interactive announced that the game managed to raise over $800 million.

Focus Group

Questions we asked: 
  1. Do you Think the game targets your age range?
  2. How does the game keep your interested when you're playing
  3. Do you feel the game is effecting your academic mindset
  4. How long do you spend playing this game a day?
Our focus group tells us about your average gamer and how they feel about the games they play. Our first subject tells us that he plays around 3 hours a day, he says that his favourite part about the game is the free roam world and the aesthetics of the game. We asked him if he felt that the game affected his academic learning and he didn't think so as he doesn't play it enough for it to have any effect. We also asked him if 

1 comment:

  1. Elliot
    No focus group audio or video
    • Analyse a section of the game and explain why you know it targets this age, gender, socio economic and psychographic
    • Get one or two research links about who are typical gamers and summarise the information in your own words.
    • Which way of describing an audience is more useful in your opinion (demographic, psychographic or socio economic scale)? Why do you think this?
    • What were the positives and negatives of your focus group?
    • Why is a focus group useful for the industry?
