Friday 22 November 2013

Unit 3 Research Diary


Bullying-the Childs View              Lean La Fontaine
  • Bullying hotlines-The majority of calls are made by children talking about their own problems with bullying. A small amount of the callers are of friends of the bullying victims reporting their issues, or from parents with concerns about their children being victims.
  • Where does the bullying take place-The main atmosphere for bullying to take place is in schools. It can take place in school grounds and the commute to and from school. This means that the child is feeling unsafe where ever they are, which can have a huge effect on the way they function.
  • Duration-It doesn't have to be a long period of time for bullying to effect someone. It could be as short as a day that someone could become a victim, it all depends on the severity of the bullying. However if someone is being slightly teased and picked on over a long period of time, although it may only be slight, it will still build up stress and anger in the victim which is just as damaging.
Gender of the Callers
                 Bullying Line                    Boarding School Line
                   no.               %                    no.                    %
Girls           1,355           65                   152                   71

Boys           575             28                    61                    29

No data      144               7                     0                      0

TOTAL     2,054          100                  213                  100

Age of Callers
                   Bullying Line                   Boarding School Line
                              %                                          %
6 yrs & under         2                                           0 

7-10                       18                                         6

11-13                     50                                         58

14 & over              19                                         27

No data                 11                                          9

This information was helpful because it has provided me with lots of useful statistics, and it has taught me about different aspects of bullying.

Anti-Bullying Alliance                  National Children's Bureau
  • Their aim is to eradicate bullying to create a safe and secure environment for everyone. They want to raise awareness on bullying and help people understand and acknowledge the effects it has on people.
  • They want to develop an environment where everyone sees bullying as unacceptable and people are treated equally
  • They want to ensure that we all know the correct way to deal with bullying so that we can all help to put a stop to it once and for all
I found this information useful because it talks about the different ways people are trying to put an end to bullying, and it gives you tips on how to deal with the situations.


Mail Online                                 James Tozer

  • A young boy called Thomas Thompson was driven to committing suicide because he was relentlessly bullied by a group of boys in his school. His Headmaster said that the school had only one report of him being bullied, and this was at a bus stop outside school by people from another school. He said other than that they had no idea of any bullying going on in the school as they were never told anything else and they didn't ever see evidence of bullying.
  • After this story hit the papers, reports of numerous other young people committing suicide due to constant and persistent bullying from other kids started flooding in.
This article/story has helped me to understand the enormity of the subject, and how bullying can effect someone so much that they're willing to take their own life.


Cheshire Library Blogs                                       Cheshire Public Library

 Sticks and Stones : Defeating the Culture of Bullying and Rediscovering the Power of Character and Empathy by Emily Bazelon defines bullying and what it is not. This includes when intervention is essential and when kids should be given the freedom to fend for themselves.

  • This book talks about all sides of bullying, from the victims point of view, to the bullies, to the parents and to the schools in which it took place. they were even able to get in contact with the Facebook HQ and talk to them about how they deal with cyber-bullying on their site. The book consists of multiple cases of bullying, one of them even tells us about a girl who was driven to suicide.
  • In the book the author talks about and explains why bullying starts and the effects it can have on everyone involved in later life.
  • She also goes on to talk about schools and communities that are working towards anti-bullying schemes, and how they're helping to eradicate bullying and create a safer, more secure environment.
This book was useful to me by helping me to understand the different aspects and points of view of bullying and how people are trying to fight it.

1 comment:

  1. P2: you have used some research methods to get useful and relevant information. You have got relevant qualitative information but have not summarized conclusions from it or explained how useful it was reflecting on issues such as influence or bias. You need to add this.
    Your information is relevant, but you could have a look at getting another cOuple of research sources and summarizing them .You need to summarize the information from your questionnaire as you have not included this at all, explaining what is better, primary or secondary research, and qualitative or quantitative data. You also need to make sure you have gotten the names and titles of all sources, along with years etc.

    There is no treatment on your blog so I cannot give you any feedback; remember examples of what will happen in your documentary. It needs to be detailed so that I can really understand what the idea is, add some examples of the things you want to be in your documentary and what it will look/sound like. Make sure you proof read it for spelling punctuation and grammar.
