Thursday 7 November 2013

unit 3 Research Techniques

Types of Research

-Qualitative-Opinions from people i.e. a film review.

-Quantitative-Numbers and data i.e. Audience viewing figures, DVD sales, box office sales.


Advantages of Qualitative

Disadvantages of Qualitative

  • Can be tricky to get exact results
  • Findings are a result of lots of variables(where, who and when)
  • Has the impression of being less valid
Advantages of Quantitative
  • Easy to analyse(clear results from graphs, charts etc)
  • Facts can be used in your favour
Disadvantages of Quantitative
  • Results are without detail-binary usually
  • Doesn't inform you for future research
Primary Research-Research undertaken by yourself or your group-first hand:
  • Interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Questionnaires
Participating in internet forums Secondary Research-Previous research that had been undertaken by others you can use to inform your own research:
  • Reference books
  • Archive footage
  • Photo library
  • Magazines and newspapers
Data Gathering Agencies-Certain agencies are set up to gather and publicise information:
  • BARB-TV ratings

Purposes of Research

Production research which includes...
  • Content-The story, what its going to be about, what sources of information might you need-interviews?What kind of data will be best for this?
  • Equipment-Quantitive
  • Crew-Qualitative
  • Cast-Qualitative
Audience research which includes:
Audience Profile-audiences can be broken up into different groups

Market Research
  • Competition-Whats already out there-Successful documentaries already out, documentaries with similar content
  • Competitor Analysis-Why were competitor documentaries successful? Content, style, Film maker/presenter?
  • Advertising Placement-How should the documentary be marketed? Viral videos, trailers, billboards, this depends on who?
Using Examples
  • Why is it a good example(it may not be the first one you find)?
  • Is it easy to analyse?
  • Why did you choose that example over others?
  • How did the example change/confirm your understanding?

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