Friday 9 May 2014

Unit 22 3 Act Structure

Act 1

The first scene opens in a college classroom during a lesson. The camera is facing the wall with the lens blurred and the teachers voice is muffled. Then the camera begins to focus and the voice becomes clearer as the teacher is calling Chris's name, and we realise that we are looking through Chris's first person perspective as he turns to face the teacher. Chris is asked a question but before he can answer the bell goes and the class leaves the room. Before Chris leaves the teacher calls him back and we get some panning mid-shots of the teacher moaning at Chris for not paying attention in lessons and slacking, with complete disregard to Chris's condition.  We then have a tracking shot of Chris walking down the corridor with a slouched expression and hanging his head. We're then greeted by Isaac Law, the bully, with his mates from behind Chris in an over the shoulder shot, which is also a low angle shot looking up at Isaac to show his power over Chris. We then have a wide mid-shot of a dark corridor with Chris on the left and Isaac on the right, and his mates behind him looking over his shoulder, which again presents the size difference of the two lads, an why Isaac chose Chris as an easy target. We flick back and forth between over the shoulder shots of both the lads, finally zooming into Chris's face as Isaac leans in to threaten him, which is then followed by Isaac knocking Chris's things out of his hands. Then the camera angle is on the floor watching Chris pick up his things and the bullies walk past, just showing their feet as they kick his things along the floor.We start with a tracking wide mid-shot of Chris walking home, with him in the left of the frame and the road on the right. A car then pulls up next to Chris and starts to crawl down the road at the speed that chris is walking. The camera is now a high angle shot looking into the drivers window with Chris's blurred out face on the left looking forward with an angry and upset expression on his face. The man in the car is Mr.White, Chris's therapist who tries to calmly talk to Chris telling him that he'd been waiting at his office for him as they had a therapy session scheduled. The camera in now in the car from the angle of the passenger seat looking out at Chris walking down the street. Mr. White tries to ask Chris why he didn't attend the therapy session and asks him if he can re-schedule, but Chris carries on walking forward with the same aggressive but blank expression on his face. Chris then turns and walks down an alley were Mr.White cant follow. As he walks away we have another tracking shot from in front of Chris with a blurred view of the car over his left shoulder, and we hear Mr.White calling him back trying to comfort Chris by telling him he can help, but Chris doesn't listen and leaves the frame. We then finish with a zoomed in shot of Mr.White, showing a sympathetic expression on his face, he then sighs, turns to look at the road and drives out of frame.

Act 2

We start act 2 back in the college canteen with Chris walking to a table with some food. There is a mid-shot of Chris walking towards the camera which is then blocked by a figure. Again the camera is shown in Chris's first person view which pans up into a low angle shot of Isaac looking down at the camera. Again we return to the wide mid-shot of Chris in the left of the frame and Isaac in the right with his mates. Isaac begins to hurl abuse at Chris which is followed by him knocking the food out of his hand, and as the food falls the camera follows it to the floor until it settles and the canteen becomes dead silent. The camera is then fixed on Isaacs face as he sniggers and snarls with a cocky expression given to Chris as his mates are laughing in the background. We then see the same shot of Isaac leaning into Chris and whispering things at him to try and make him react. Chris is then shown in a close up to express the anger in his face and then he lashes out and punches Isaac in the face and runs off. The next shot shows Isaac and his friends stunned and they run after Chris. The next series of shots is a montage of  the chase, with mid shots of the top of their bodies and their feet running through the halls. The camera is also hand held giving the impression that we're running with the action. We then cut to a high angle shot, giving the impression that were watching on CCTV, showing Chris locking himself in a store room and the gang of bullies trying to break into it to get to him. They eventually leave. Next is a mid-shot zooming into a close-up of Chris's face looking very scared and panicked. he then looses conciousness and faints into a ball on the floor, and the camera tracks slowly upwards away from Chris to show the rest of the setting. We now see a wide shot of a city that has been destroyed, then Chris enters the frame at the bottom and the camera re focuses onto him as he regained conciousness, but he wasn't dressed as a college kid, instead he was dressed as a hooded assassin which his imagination had created. Chris get up to his feet as the camera tracks backwards and reveals the setting of the destroyed city. Chris's mission is to find an end the life of the masked terrorist, Isaac Law. It then cuts to short clips of Chris leaping from building to building looking for Law. The camera is flat on the ground and Chris suddenly appears in the frame crouched down as if he's just jumped to the ground off the building. The camera pans up towards his face and the camera high angle wide shot of both Chris and Isaac stood in the middle of a destroyed building site. The two characters then run at each other and fight as the camera spins around them. We then have a slow motion shot of Chris landing a final blow to Isaac and knocking him to the ground, it is also dead silent with just a ringing noise. Chris then walks over to him ready to finish his mission, when he stops, and there's a close-up of him listening to a familiar voice shouting his name. He suddenly wakes up from his imagination and we have a mid shot of Mr. White running up behind Chris and pulling him away so he can calm him down.

Act 3

The final scene is of Chris and Mr. White in the car. The camera is facing Chris with Mr. White's head blurred on the left of the frame, Which cuts to the same shot but from behind Chris and facing Mr. White. He explains to Chris that he can now control his MDD because he has fully experienced the danger thst he can put himself and others into and he has a reason to why he should let it take him over anymore. We then cut to a wide shot of the school, then to a wide panning shot of Chris's classroom from the back as the teacher is asking questions. It cuts a close up zooming out to a mid shot of Chris looking happier and healthier than ever with his new friends and he's taking part in his subject and doing well in it. It then cuts back to a wide shot of the school at the end of the day and the camera pans down to a long shot from behind Chris walking home with his friends. They then walk around the corner and spot Isaac Stood their with his friends. We then have a close up of Isaac's face looking nervous, then cuts to a close up of Chris's face looking angry. Isaac and his friends are then shown scurrying off in a wide shot, which cuts to Chris and his friends laughing as they walk out of the shot. The camera then pans to the car that's parked behind them revealing Mr.White watching them. We see a close up of his face as he laughs to himself.

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