Friday 16 May 2014

Unit 22 assignment 2 Treatment

Chris Frost has spent his college years as a loner, an outcast, a freak... Why? Because he suffers from a mental condition known as Maladaptive Daydream Disorder. Chris is often found daydreaming for hours on end about random events that can have no relevance to his life what so ever, or are modelled around his past situations. People rarely take any notice of Chris apart from one guy, Isaac Law. Isaac is a known bully throughout the college, and he has a huge problem with Chris simply because of his condition. Isaac and his friends are constantly making fun of Chris and making him feel as if he's un wanted, which slowly pushes him further and further into isolation. Chris has a therapist named Mr. White who also suffers from the same condition a he does, but nowhere near as prominent. Mr. White does everything in his power to help Chris overcome his problem and start making friends, which is the best way to control his MDD. This however is made very difficult with Isaac constantly pushing him away from any social group.

One day Isaac finally pushes Chris over the edge, resulting in him punching Isaac in the face and running off. The bullies run through the college after Chris but he manages to lock himself in a store room out of their reach. Chris becomes so angry and upset at the same time it causes him to faint and drift of into his strongest dream ever. In this dream he is presented as a skilled assassin who's soul mission is to kill his arch enemy, Judge Law. Due to the stress Chris was under as he entered this dream, his sub conscience begins t take over his body, and he sets out looking for the real Isaac Law. Chris frantically scales the college in search for Isaac, when he finally finds him alone. Isaac looks at the anger in Chris's face and realises that he's day dreaming. Suddenly they're engaged in an intense fight which flicks between Chris's imagination and real life.

Chris eventually knocks Isaac to the ground and is about do something that he would surely regret, but then he is woke from his day dream by Mr.White who escorts hi away from the scene. Mr. White says that it will now be easier for him to control his day dreams and become more like a normal guy, as he now understands how dangerous this condition can become. A few months go by and Chris is a completely different guy. He's made a bunch of friends and he's learning to keep his day dreams to a minimum, and in a way his outburst towards Isaac actually helped him out as he now leaves Chris alone, and is in fact scared of Chris and treats him like his superior.

The target audience for my film will have to be old enough to understand the narrative, therefore around 15+. Most of these viewers will probably be suffering with the same problem or may know someone who is. Viewers who suffer from MMD may be watching to try and get extra information on the condition to help them control theirs, or maybe they just want to see it from another persons perspective and if they can compare to it. My film will have a short film at the end showing information on MDD and the support that is provided for it. It will give information on locations, websites etc that you can visit and contact for extra information on how to deal with the condition an where you can go for help.

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