Monday 23 February 2015

Unit 8 Assignment 2

Trade Unions

BECTU is the UK's trade union for media and entertainment. The types of media covered include broadcasting, film, independent production, theatre arts, leisure and digital media. The union is a great thing to join as it offers mainly job protection and it improves pay and conditions of service, including pensions. 

Article on trade union BECTU on strike march:

Freelance contracts

To be a freelancer in the film industry means that your working hours and income will vary drastically depending on your level of skill and quality. 
Types of freelance contracts:
-Sales and Marketing 

Editorial Guidelines 

Editorial guidelines are the BBC's values and standards. They apply to all the content we receive, no matter how or where we receive it. It is very important for producers to work under guidelines so that they make sure their productions are suitable for broadcasting and reach the requirements of their targeted tv channels. 


The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is the organisation that set the boundaries on our TV programmes and films which tell us what sort of content is included. The ratings range from U (safest) to R18 (most unsafe).

PG-a PG rated production I suitable or a child with the parents guidance and will not contain themes which may be in appropriate. Anythin like violence or bad language will be mild, an thngs like sexual references are unlikely unless they're I detailed and infrequent.

12A-This classification means any hold under 12 must be accompanied by an adult if they're watching the film at the cinema. Also if a DVD is rated 12A it means that the buyer must be able to prove that they're over 12 years old before they can purchase the DVD. The boundaries of violence and bad language in a 12A are pushed slightly further and will have more of an offensive nature. 

15-A rated 15 film will be substantially more offensive and you must be able to prove you're over 15 to be able to watch or purchase a film of this rating. It can include things such as:
-Strong language
-Portrayals of sexual activity
-Strong verbal references to sex
-Sexual nudity 
-Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence 
-Discriminatory language or behaviour
-Drug taking

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