Wednesday 25 February 2015

Unit 8 Assignment 2 ethics

There are certain things young children/people shouldn't watch because the content will be to explicit and inappropriate for them. In some circumstances however we have programmes like scooby-doo and other cartoons which have aspects of violence throughout, but because its cartoon, slapstick and not very detailed it seems to be ok and suitable for a young child to watch.

As a society we have certain ethics in order to prove to ourselves what is right and wrong. however our ethics are very misleading. For example most of us believe it is ok to kill animals for food but not test products on them. In this situation the animals are still in a losing situation but because the testing sounds worse than us using them for food, it doesn't seem as humane. Our ethics come from the people who influence us i.e.parents, cultures etc. Because we trust them we believe these ethics are right even though they may not be.

What programs teach us good morals?
-Judge Judy
Death Row

What programs teach us poor morals?
-Geordie Shore
-16 and Pregnant
-Storage Hunters
-House of Cards
-Breaking Bad
-Better Call Saul
-Jersey Shore

The mixture of programs here shows that our morals and ethics are shaped within a wide range of media products.

Should TV and film be more ethical?Can TV and film be blamed for the slipping ethics of society?

I think it should be more ethical because a lot of young people have lost track of what's right and wrong due to things they've seen on TV, therefore putting more ethics into film and TV will hopefully change the way the younger generation behave and change their perspectives on how to act with and without others. The problem with this is that if TV is changed too much with ethics added, it could cause the audiences to lose interest in the programs and films they were watching therefore loosing the media industry lots of money.
bad ethics from reality TV
This link talks about how bad morals and ethics that have been publicised by TV and film are affecting the young generation. It talks about how things that used to be looked upon as 'bad' and 'irresponsible' have been turned into entertainment and something to aspire to which to me is extremely worrying and careless for young people. A good example to use when talking about bad ethical behaviour within a TV programme would be Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad is about a man (Walter White) who is diagnosed with cancer that causes him to worry about leaving his family behind. This makes him determined to make as much money as possible to leave behind so that his family don't struggle after he's gone. Now people might think Walter is a great man by leaving this much money for his family before he dies but what people tend to miss is that he's still a mass producing meth cook, breaking multiple laws and putting the lives of everyone he knows in danger. These are the kind of bad ethics that are being promoted to our younger generation, but because they're entertaining to us we wont disagree with these programs being shown because we enjoy them.
Breaking Bad:Morals and Ethics

Big Brother Clip: Jade Goody and Shilpa Shetty argument 
Looking at this clip the behaviour of Jade and the two women beside her raises a few eyebrows because it seemed to be more on the subject of bullying rather than an actual argument. Its clear that the disagreement is over much more than just an OXO cube because for one, nobody gets that upset about stock, and two jade mentions a sly racist comment within the shouting causing people to think that she's discriminating on her for different reasons. The problem with this particular situation is race. I believe that if the person Jade was arguing with was from a different origin, would the whole think have been as much of an uproar? I don't think so and thats because race and racism are very touchy subjects, and if the boundaries of racism are pushed slightly then our opinions on the people involved can be tipped in a different direction. Im not saying that Jade was wrongly portrayed a bad person here because what she was doing and saying is technically bullying and she should be ridiculed for it, however due to the nature of media and wanting to make good TV, the producers may not have shown us all of the things that were said and done therefore we cannot make snap decisions about the people involved as we don't know the whole story.

I certify this is my own work

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