Thursday 17 October 2013

Unit 26 Assignment 2 MPAA article


  1. argghh you haven't changed your share permissions from private to 'anyone with link can view'

  2. .Unit 26 assignment 2 feedback Elliot
    Explain that the MPAA is a trade association and what this means then explain how the Hollywood studio system works, using the audio track on my blog to help you. You need specific examples of films for each rating that have used the ratings system in a positive way, to market their films, to target the correct audience, and you need to, for each film, explain why it is good that the film got the rating it did(to protect audiences etc) You could get more quotes about the positive side of the mpaa. In your negatives discuss that the MPAA is accused of giving more support to studio productions than to independents and about how the MPPA and its members seem to be powerful studios or cinema chains, but try and add a paragraph summarising why this would be a bad thing for some film producers in Hollywood. Debate if you think that the MPAA serves the industry of EVERYONE in the film industry in Hollywood. Write a conclusion, what do you think about the MPAA, do you think the industry is right to work closely with them?
