Thursday 17 October 2013

Unit 26 Assignment 3 Film Trailer notes

The Mortal Instruments

  • Voice over is quite creepy but interesting
  • Props used are a little scary, might appeal to the male/gothic audience
  • Special effects are clever and exiting
  • The use of attractive actresses draws in the male audience
  • A lot of club/dance scenes which will appeal to teenagers
  • The music used is 'triumphant' and brings emotions to the audience, making them interested and wanting to watch it
  • A lot of Action/fight scenes using weapons will attract the male audience
  • use of review quotes to pull people in by telling them how good it is
  • Fast moving montage of different scenes from the film with fast paced music makes the audience interested and exited about the film

White House Down

  • A lot of action scenes that will appeal to the male audience
  • Use of attractive actors will appeal to the female audience
  • Explosions
  • Guns
  • Heavy artillery(tanks, choppers)
  • SFX are very exiting 
  • Music is fast pacing 
  • Slight use of comedy throughout, keeping the audience interested(and who doesn't love a bit of comedy?)
  • Scenes of panic and riot 
  • The scale of the problem, taking over the white house and capturing the President
  • Very 'in your face' action

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