Friday 25 October 2013

Unit 26 Assignment 3 Notes

1)Pick a film with a fan following

2)Get as much info on fan made vids, merch, interviews with stars, official websites for the film, reviews, fan made websites about the film, sales figures on how well the film did, posters, trailers, competitions, tie-ins with other products i.e. soundtracks with bands; cars; clothing

Film examples:

Lord of the Rings, Star wars, The Hunger games, Twilight, Star Trek, Batman, Ironman, Spiderman, The Mortal Instruments


Psychographics are the labels we give to members of an audience. A target audience for a film can have more than one of the psychographics headings. My job is to prove how the marketing attracts these headings.(Must use the terminology)

In my assignment: 

-tell who the target audience is by genre, rating, gender

What psychographic am i?

-Mainstreamer-Likes structure. Likes to know what they're going in to see. Like big brands/generic.

-Aspirer-Likes materialistic things. Want to purchase the merchandise for films, and want people to know they have it.

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