Wednesday 18 September 2013

Man on Fire

The clip we have analysed is man on fire. In the beginning of the scene a panning shot has been used, this pan is used to show the business of the setting, it also gives the audience an idea of what is happening in the scene(A club). A high angle is also used for this shot, it shows all these people as underdogs to the events which will occur. This makes the events seem mysterious and also shows the audience that the people in this shot are unaware of potential danger. In this scene the director has used a range of camera shots, such as:
-Close up of props and facial expressions, when switching from close up to close up, fast editing has been used, this shows the atmosphere of the location. It also helps build the tension within the scene. The fact the close ups are used on props shows their importance to the scene. The close ups on facial expressions shows characters reactions to what is going on, making the audience feel uneasy and can relate to the characters emotions.  
-High angle in the club, this shows the audience how busy the event is. It also shows the audience that all the characters dancing are unaware of what is going to happen.
-Point of view when a character is unlocking padlocks and chains off a gate, this represents secrecy and shows the audience the characters have something to hide. It also shows danger as the chains in the scene could also represent handcuffs. 

The lighting and colour wash are very low key and gritty. The low key lighting shows the audience that the main character within this scene is undercover as the darkness shows mystery and secrecy, the secrecy of the fact he is undercover but also the secrecy of the danger/events. The gritty colour wash gives an 'uneasy' and 'all over the place' feel for the audience, making it hard to concentrate on one specific part of the scene. It also shows theres mulitiple scenes of action taking place. 

The costumes used within this scene are quite 'thug like' as most characters in the scene have low waisted jeans and tend to be wearing bandanas. This is also quite casual but shows the audience the seriousness of characters and events. 

Off screen space is used when cutting from shot to shot of the main character when he is trying to get information out of a man who is tied up and blindfolded. This builds tension for the audience as they dont immediately see the reaction of the characters during the conversation.

The setting is a club setting, which is a typical setting when action takes place as the audience see clubs as mischievous as when people go to clubs they tend to go to drink. Also clubs tend to be busy scenes because its loud, the fact its loud links to the action as the other characters cannot hear whats going on, creating tension and mystery.

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