Wednesday 25 September 2013

Unit 26 film studies-sound and editing


-sound in the film I.e. Dialogue
-ambient sound (natural background noise)
Non diagetic
-sound which is added on after I.e. Soundtracks/music
VO=voice over
Sound bridge-when the sound 'bridges' over to the next scene
Contrapuntal-the sound doesn't fit the image I.e. Open your mouth to scream and a bell rings, or your watching a horror scene and happy music begins to play

Clip 1-the matrix
-non diagetic sound
-diagetic dialogue
-sound bridge
-ambient sound

Clip 2-500 days of summer
-non diagetic sound/sound track 
-ambient sound
-contrapuntal sound

Clip 3-mean girls
-ambient sound
-non diagetic I sound/soundtrack
-diagetic dialogue
-voice over

Clip 4-casino royale
-non diagetic soundtrack
-ambient sound
-diagetic dialogue


-shot transition-cut, fade, dissolve etc
-shot duration-long:short time
-parallel action-two things happen at the same time
-montage-showing narrative quicker using lots of short shot durations together

Rocky IV
-non diagetic soundtrack
-ambient sound

This scene gives us an insight to the main points of this film and the main characters life. The speed of the montage and the soundtrack makes the audience feel 'pumped' and excited to watch the rest of the film. Also, the soundtrack used fits in with how the main character feels, determined.

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