Wednesday 25 September 2013


There are two different types of structure:linear and non linear. Linear means 'straight line' so there is a 3 act structure, 'beginning-middle-end'. Non linear means not in a straight line... Think 'pulp fiction'.
Other ways of describing structure are:
Equilibrium is how the film starts, normal life. Disequilibrium is the problem that happens in the film that the characters have to then spend the duration of the film trying to fix. New equilibrium happens after the climax of  the film, the final battle, confrontation that happens in order to solve the problem, and life can return to normal and the resolution can occur.
-Character Types
Hero: saves the day, but sometimes not the stereotypical hero we see in most films, they may have a conflicted or complex past, may not be mortal or ethical, but they save the day in the end... More of an anti hero.
Victim/damsel/princess: anyone that needs saving
Villain: the cause of the problem, the aggressor.
-Enigma codes
Enigma means puzzle. This is anything in the film that is a puzzle to the character and audience. We have to go on a journey with the character to solve the puzzle. An enigma is something that keeps you guessing I.e. a clue.
-privileged spectator
When the audience knows more than the character in the film

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